Spanish Red wine Reserve Ribera del Duero Tinta del País, Cabernet Sauvignon Vega Sicilia Único Reserva Especial – 70 Cl. Tasting Notes: Dark cherry color with an elegant nose, with fine bouquet and spicy. Bottle time and have given roundness, smoothness and power to leave a strong mark on the road retroolfativa. Flavor Only best serve to produce Special Reserve, a blend of years, virtues, experiences and feelings. Pairing: Complements exceptionally with meat and game, both grilled and roasted and stewed, pastas, soups, vegetable dishes such as beans with ham or bacon and cabbage, fish such as hake in sauce or fish stew.
Vino tinto
DO Ribera del Duero
Varias uvas
Añada actual
Precio: 499,95 € (as of Jan 04, 2024 04:10:07 UTC)
Vega Sicilia Único Reserva Especial – 70 Cl.
Spanish Red wine Reserve Ribera del Duero Tinta del País, Cabernet Sauvignon Vega Sicilia Único Reserva Especial – 70 Cl. Tasting Notes: Dark cherry color

El contenido original se encuentra en https://fromthesource.link/vinos-de-granada/2024/01/04/vega-sicilia-unico-reserva-especial-70-cl/
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